Digital signs shall not be erected or converted from non-digital to digital within 500 ft. of any residentially zoned district, nor face any residentially zoned district within 1,000 ft. of the sign.
mapping 500ft and 1000ft
§ 14-904. Accessory Sign Controls.
Digital Display.
(.1) Location.
(.a) Digital displays are permitted in base zoning districts as set forth in Table 14-904-1.
(.b) Digital displays are prohibited within 200 ft. of any intersection of any two or more streets.
(.c) Digital displays are prohibited within 150 ft. of a residential district or facing any residential district within 300 ft. of the digital display.
§ 14-905. Non-Accessory Signs.
(3) Distances from Residential District Property.
No sign support structure or sign face shall be erected within 300 ft. of any residentially-zoned property.
(a) Digital signs shall not be erected or converted from non-digital to digital within 500 ft. of any residentially zoned district, nor face any residentially zoned district within 1,000 ft. of the sign.